Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Golden Retriever

Golden Retriever breed is one that has been recognized presence in the entire world, and has a record of origin (recording) is clear. Beginning in the 1800s in the north of Scotland, Lord Tweedmouth very interested in the world of bird hunting dogs really need the help of hunters, who could break through dense bushes, can swim well and wade in the water is cold. Short story short after breed  cross here and there finally got  Golden Retrievers as we know it today in 1912.

The dogs are then brought to America by the descendants of Lord Tweetmouth in the 1900's, but recently registered in the AKC (American Kennel Club) in 1927. And finally growing rapidly and even more popular as family dogs / home and for exhibition or competition. Currently there are two types of Golden Retriever is Short hair (britain type) and Long Hair (American type), with variations in color from beige to dark brown youth who can change color with age.

Golden retriever including a very intelligent dog and active. Typical of the most prominent of these dogs is a jovial personality and very friendly with anyone (even with a thief though), so do not ever even once made a Golden retriever as a guard dog, because then he became engrossed invites  thieves throw frisbee.

But the positive is very suitable dogs serve as pets and would be very happy when engaged in activities with family activities. And if you intend to maintain it, make sure your home has a yard or enough room for daily activities, because the Golden Retreiver in dire need of physical exercise (exercise) and adequate daily mental exercise. If your house is not so widespread, then think again if you want to keep him, than he suffered. With a purposeful interaction and obedience exercises or games such as finding missing objects will be very helpful. health intelligence and also to the Golden Retreiver receive a 'reward' the streets with their owners every day ... and give him special food for dogs (because once there are cases so love the owner, he only gave bread and milk and other human foods and rarely took a walk so busy ... due to an unbalanced intake of nutrients and lack of exercise eventually the dog is paralyzed) do not want it happening in your Golden Retriever right ...?

Finally, although it can live outdoors, but the Golden Retreiver prefer to live with other family members (if placed outside the house later also at risk of being kidnapped, is not it quite expensive and because coat  thick, it is necessary to sweep at least twice week and regular grooming, also be sure to always check their health regularly and vaccinated regularly. Because if the pet healthy, we are also more comfortable playing with him.