Monday, July 11, 2011

Pug Dog

Pug Dogs maintained to entertain Chinese emperors during the Shang dynasty in Eastern China, with known Lo-Chiang-Sze or Foo. Pug popularity spread to Tibet, especially the many preserved by the monks, and later brought to Japan and finally Europe (Wikipedia).

Pug dog breed is the largest toy class. The average toy breed has a weight under 6 kg while the Pug can reach 8 kg. The most interesting part of this dog is a pug face with wrinkled skin.

Pug dogs have a playful nature, friendly, a little stubborn, and tend to be mischievous. Pug Dogs can be combined with other types of dogs because of the nature of socialization is very high. For very energetic person who fits this dog because the dog Pug including dogs that are very agile and playful and teasing their owners. Pug dogs are very spoiled sometimes near their owners but can be independent and very self-confident without her employer.


Pug dog's head when viewed from the front of the box-shaped. Muzzle pug but not sepesek Pekingese dog. Lower jaw slightly past the upper jaw. Eyes round with dark colors and tend to stare. Small ears, do not stand up and lie parallel to the top of the head lines.


Form a compact body with front and rear legs are strong. Of the top visible ribs rounded shape. Coiled tail until it touches the back of the back and always raised. The tail is parallel to the back line. Fur is not too smooth nor straight rough shape.


Pug have several colors: silver, Fawn, Brindle (striped), and plain black. For silver and Fawn must be accompanied by a black color on the face (mask), and ears.

Care and Maintenance

Pug dog care is not difficult because the fur is short so it does not require maintenance such as Shih Tzu dogs. Pug dog Bathe regularly once a month. If dirty or smells just wipe with a damp cloth containing antiseptic or can use a dry shampoo powders are sold in the market. Ensuring the cleanliness around the face because this part has a skin fold so easily store the rest food. Mainly keep the cleanliness of the skin due Pug Extraordinary Dog Festival susceptible to skin disease, especially when the chicks. You can use a soft brush to comb my hair every day Pug. Sweepings can throw dirt on the fur and fur throw dead.Even Pug dog hair short and not too smooth, his fur is easy to fall out even with a delicate touch though.

Cleanliness is also a priority in the eyes because his eyes protruding susceptible to dust so that irritation or excessive tears.

Pug Dogs do not need training, provide enough space to play inside the house then he will move. If you want to bring out of the house should be in the morning or late afternoon when the sun is not too hot because with a pug nose, Pug susceptible to heat stroke.

Do not be surprised if suata when you hear snoring when asleep or Pug dog breathing while choking on a Pug dog too excited. This is caused by a pug nose.

With proper care and maintenance coupled with the love of Pug owners will be able to live up to the age of 14 years and even more.


Give the dog food with protein and fat are not too high. At least 25% ideal protein and fat between 10-12%. If a given protein and fat is too high then it is easy to cause itching of the skin and easy to diarrhea.

Most, Pug dog's appetite is very high. You have to measure portions eat in moderation and do not feed in excess as it can make easy Pug dog obesity and diarrhea. Ask for directions at the vet or read the instructions on the package of dog food.

Choose a dog food that contains more vitamin for healthy skin and hair because of dog hair is easy to fall out.

Should be given the type of dry dog ??food around the mouth that does not dirty easily and do not forget to clean the mouth after every meal.